Green Manure Phacelia Seeds

Phacelia Tanacetifolia is a quick growing hardy annual green manure that germinates at low temperatures and is ideal for sowing from March until September. It will grow up to 1m in height and is tolerant of cold temperatures and may over-winter if it's not too cold. It suits most soil...

from £3.45

Green Manure Crimson Clover Seeds

Crimson Clover Green Manure is a good choice for smothering weeds, fixing nitrogen from the air and is a fast-growing bulky green manure. It has deep roots that penetrate the soil and bulky furry foliage that once dug in helps to improve soil structure. It is not always winter hardy...

from £4.25

Green Manure Buckwheat Seeds

Buckwheat is a fast-growing short-term summer green manure that germinates in about 3-5 days. It produces a dense canopy of foliage that smothers & out-competes weeds and once dug into the top layer of soil (15-18cm) rapidly decomposes helping to improve the soils structure & organic matter content so it...

from £2.45

Green Manure Alfalfa Seeds

Alfalfa (Lucerne) is a very deep rooting green manure with vigorous roots that can draw up sub-surface minerals and break up soil pans. It is very good for drought-prone soils. It can overwinter once well established and will grow for a year or more. Alfalfa Green Manure dislikes acid or...

from £3.25

Green Manure White Clover Seeds

White Clover 'Barblanca' makes as excellent long-term green manure. It has good frost tolerance and once established can last from 2-5 years. White Clover makes a good weed suppressant as it produces a fair amount of foliage and is able to fix nitrogen. White Clover 'Barblanca' is a low growing...

from £4.25

Green Manure Red Clover Seeds

Red Clover is a fast growing perennial green manure. It is the best variety of clover for fixing nitrogen from the air, weed suppression & improving soil structure. Its roots penetrate deep into the soil and help to improve its structure by binding soils together (especially light ones) and this...

from £4.25

Bees & Butterfly Wildflower Meadow Seed Mix

The flowers in the Bees & Butterfly Wildflower Meadow seed mix will help you create a flower-rich meadow with a particular emphasis on species that are known to be important as sources of nectar for bees, butterflies and other insects. If you ever wondered what beekeepers sow to attract the...

from £8.95